The Unlikely Place to Look for Marketing Leaders

product marketing

Marketing is an incredibly broad, rapidly evolving discipline. Today’s marketing leaders must simultaneously be creative and quantitative, handling everything from visual brand identity to funnel analysis, and everything in between. […]

Trend Watch: Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things

What is IoT? As many marketers are aware, the Internet has forever changed the marketing landscape as it relates to our ability to: get messaging into the market quicker; engage and […]

Why Marketing Productivity Matters Just as Much as Sales Productivity

marketing productivity

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of a series of posts from Alex Gorbansky, CEO of Docurated who will be sharing his expertise around marketing productivity and platforms to better help our audience […]

The Number One Mistake Marketers Will Make in 2015

marketing mistake

Have you seen the feature on LinkedIn lately that suggests you “re-connect” with people? Lately it’s been telling me to “re-connect” with my boss. For me, this painted a clear […]

How to Kill a Sales Opportunity in 3 Simple Steps

no sales opportunities

In a market where both upstarts and 800 lb gorillas are competing for business, it is critical to make the most of every opportunity. But creating and capitalizing on technology marketing and […]

This is Not Your Grandfather’s Marketing Funnel [Video]

antique marketing funnel

The notion of the marketing and sales funnel has been around for close to a century. While some have implied that the funnel is an antiquated metaphor for today’s marketer, […]

How to Talk so Sales Wants to Listen… and Learn

sales and marketing communication - listen

I recently came across a Ted Talks video by Julian Treasure, a top-rated international speaker on   “How to talk so people want to listen” .  It got me thinking about […]

Don’t Just Be a Content Marketer – Stand Out as a Content Navigator

Guided by Content

Over the years, we have all witnessed the power shift in the buyer/seller relationship. The education that a buying team requires in order to make a well-informed purchase decision is […]

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