
Overwhelmed by Content Creation? Here are 3 Simple Fixes for Marketers

content creationMore than half of organizations have a small or one-person marketing team serving the entire organization.

Shockingly, 70% of those organizations are expecting to create more content this year than last. It should be no surprise that as a result, “not enough time devoted to content marketing” was cited as the number one reason for stagnant content marketing success.

Below are 3 ways to make the most of your content creation efforts.


3 ways to make the most of content creation

#1 – Repurpose

You put a lot of effort into creating a single piece of content, don’t start from scratch each time. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Webinars and videos are popular tactics used by B2B marketers. Have them transcribed, give them a little bit of editing and design and you’ve got a white paper. If the graphics aren’t absolutely necessary to understanding the discussion, create a podcast of the audio.
  2. E-books are another frequently used tactic. If the e-book is made up of multiple chapters, tweak each one with an introduction and conclusion to publish as a standalone paper (which also makes for an easy recommended reading nurture stream!). Is the e-book full of interesting stats and data points? Tell that story through an infographic.
  3. Blog posts are often a go-to for marketers. Maybe you wrote an awesome post a year ago that is still relevant. Promote it again.

#2 – Create (even more) effective calls to action (CTAs)

Every marketer knows a good CTA can make all the difference between a successful promo that blows away the KPIs and one that underperforms.

There are two ways to increase the effectiveness of CTAs. First, make the language action and benefit-oriented. “Click here for more information” encourages the reader to take action, but does not explain what they’ll get by clicking. “Click here to learn how to make your teams work faster and smarter” lets the reader know that by clicking they’ll learn ways to improve team productivity. Second, include multiple CTAs, when it makes sense.

B2B buyers are relying more on content when researching buying decisions, meaning marketers must not assume readers always make it all the way to the end of every asset. If they don’t make it to the end you’ve lost the opportunity to urge the reader to take additional action with your brand. Let’s revisit the multi chapter e-book. Having a CTA at the end of each chapter allows for multiple points of additional engagement.

#3 – Work with a third party

You’re only one person and trying to juggle everything is not the best use of your time. A third party will help you create content from start to finish (or repurpose some of that existing content!) with a team of experienced experts and expands your distribution channel to a wider net of prospects. Leveraging outside help not only takes the heavy lifting off you, it delivers your messaging through an independent voice. By creating content with a strategic partner, you’re able to tap in to their market knowledge and provide more value than you could alone.

Get assistance with content creation

It’s important to find ways to make your job easier and improve productivity, especially as a marketer. To learn more about how to accelerate time-to-value with custom content, email us at [email protected] or contact your TechTarget sales representative.