
How Citrix Uses Priority Engine to Increase Pipeline and Enhance Their Data Warehouse

An interview with successful technology sales and marketing innovator, Barry Magee, Director of Business Intelligence at Citrix

Citrix allows secure remote working on any device from any location across a platform that gives employees everything they need to be productive in one unified experience.  It also arms IT with the visibility, simplicity, and security needed to enable and control it all. Barry is the Director of Business Intelligence for Citrix in EMEA. He is responsible for running business intelligence and analytics transformation across the business, from sales and marketing through to engineering and customer success. Check him out on LinkedIn!

Tell us about the biggest challenge your team faces on a day-to-day basis?

Our team’s biggest challenge is productivity. Whether you’re a team of Marketing or Sales, knowing which customers to target with limited resources can be a challenge.

How are you using Priority Engine to increase pipeline?

using priority engine Citrix

We are using Priority Engine to enhance pipeline build for field sales, digital sales, sales engineering and marketing. We’re also about to expand to customer success teams. Last year, we started by targeting known customers based on if they are active or dormant, and if we have previously interacted with them. Our plan moving forward is to use this same method and extend it to our Total Addressable Market to find net new customers.

We use the data, insights and new contacts from Priority Engine to add into our data warehouse. Our data warehouse integrates all our data, including that from Priority Engine, as well as other providers. It then runs layers of analytical modeling and matches against pain points and buying signals, so that we can create richer analytics for detailed segmenting and targeting.

How are your sales teams using Priority Engine? Describe the team’s workflow and process?

Sales and Marketing use the data from Priority Engine within our AI workflow process, which we call Edison. It’s basically a workflow integrated into our CRM that allows users to see simple, relevant, data-driven prioritization and talking points for customers.  Sales has multiple use-cases they can use within their territory, identifying who the next best customer to target is one of them.

When sellers log into Edison, they can see if there is an increase of activity at a particular account in their territory and can use that as a trigger that someone is ready to buy. We have an API that connects directly with Priority Engine, and automatically retrieves all details and insights from Priority Engine. When someone needs more information, they can go directly into Priority Engine to get the rich data insights.

We have about 500 Citrites currently using Priority Engine, and plan to extend that by expanding to customer success and channel managers later this year.

What was life like for your sales team before Priority Engine? How has it changed the way your team sells?

Before we implemented Priority Engine, our sellers did not have a mechanism to identify buying signals within their accounts. We had no insight on individuals showing any buying signals or what they have been consuming, or their contact details.

How are TechTarget & Priority Engine helping you solve for your challenges?

Priority Engine allows for roles across sales, marketing, sales engineering and customer success to see buying and intent signals and know who and where in the buying cycle they are based on actual behavior. With Priority Engine, our team can see that an individual has actively engaged in researching our solution in their territory.

How has your experience been working with the TechTarget team?

The TechTarget team is always willing to take a call with us and collaborate to come up with the best way to leverage our tools since our process is not the standard. We love working with TechTarget; they have been a key part of helping us succeed. Priority Engine has helped contribute to increased lead conversion fourfold.

A big thank you to Barry for sharing some feedback with us. We look forward to hearing about more of your wins using TechTarget products in the future!

If you’re interested in sharing your TechTarget story with us, feel free to reach out to Sarah Geissler.