
Data-Centric Marketing Stories in EMEA – Insight from Priority Engine User Group in Europe

data-centric marketing user groupTwo weeks have passed since our first Priority Engine User Group meeting in London, and we’ve just calmed down enough to write about it. Our users were generous with their insight, so we wanted to share some of what we learned.

First, thanks to the attendees. I won’t mention names for obvious reasons, but we appreciate their time and willingness to share their experiences. They helped each other more in two hours than TechTarget could have done in a full day. We’ll continue the meetings and hope to see you at more.

The best part of the discussion were the stories of how they were using Priority Engine that can help all data-centric marketing professionals make progress with modern purchase intent data.

Here are some of the ways that these marketers are putting purchase intent data to work within their marketing and sales organizations:

#1 – Thoughtful ABM marketing and sales execution

One marketer told a story of using Priority Engine to help a new rep with an account territory that had been ignored for some time.

  • The marketer loaded a new rep’s territory of 60 accounts into Priority Engine’s Custom Account List feature (a small list for sure, but big accounts). Priority Engine showed that 34 of those accounts were recently active on the rep’s most important tech area. A great result, but still a relatively small number.
  • The marketer then drafted a novel email for the rep on a particularly hot sub-topic tech issue, inviting the 50 active prospects to an event, but also promising the rep would follow up in 24 hours regardless.
  • Result: Five face-to-face appointments and five event registrations.

#2 – Direct feed to a BDR team

data-centric marketing feeds for BDRsOne SaaS infrastructure provider was feeding Priority Engine contacts directly to their BDR team. TechTarget typically advises some level of email nurturing alongside this activity, but their approach reflected the nature of their product and close relationship with a skillful BDR team.

  • Every week, the two-person marketing team went into Priority Engine, found the EMEA accounts most active on their technology and then matched those accounts with the reps to feed them account interest insights and contacts.
  • The team deploys a trackable calling and content follow up strategy for the BDRs. They guide the reps to use a consultative calling approach that emphasizes using the Priority Engine account interest data to steer the conversation to an appointment about their expertise in the area.
  • Result: The BDRs love the Priority Engine data and after less than a quarter, the marketing-led effort has realized 23.5X pipeline value to investment.

#3 – Making industry-specific marketing progress

Outside of the User Group conversations, other European marketers shared stories of using Priority Engine to generate industry-specific results.

  • One marketer loaded his company’s 40 target UK Financial Services accounts into Priority Engine found 400 net-new contacts. In an area where reps are expected to be “all over the accounts,” the addition of so many net-new contacts was a win for the marketer and the specialist rep team.
  • Another company worked with their TechTarget client consultant to produce a monthly PDF of the “Top Accounts in the Education Sector” for the industry sales team to prioritize their efforts and update programmatic ad targeting.

Evolving data solutions based on direct customer feedback

The User Group participants brought thoughtful suggestions to the discussion. These lead customers gave us great ideas for developing Priority Engine’s core data/functionality and local support. We shared the product feedback with our central product teams and are evolving our support practices in London, Paris and Munich in line with the suggestions. Thanks again.

If you are interested in participating in our next London user group meeting (or in another city), email me here and I’ll make sure you know about it.