
AppNeta sees 50% month-over-month growth in Marketing Qualified Leads with Priority Engine

An interview with marketing innovator Amanda Bohne, Chief Marketing Officer at AppNeta

AppNeta is a network performance monitoring solution that delivers deep, actionable, end-to-end network performance data from the end-user perspective. Amanda is an experienced marketer currently leading AppNeta’s marketing strategy, including lead and demand generation. Learn more about her on LinkedIn.

What are some challenges you encountered when first joining AppNeta?

When I first joined AppNeta, we didn’t have the repeatable lead generation that we wanted. We had leads that flowed to the sales team, but they were of low quality and relatively low volume. So, we really needed to re-envision our demand generation strategy, and Priority Engine is a big component of how we did that.

How has intent data from Priority Engine helped you solve some of the demand generation challenges you were facing?

AppNeta Priority EngineWe completely re-envisioned our demand generation programs and put in place a more comprehensive strategy, which Priority Engine is a big component of. We’ve segmented our Priority Engine lists based on five themes, and then we take people from those lists and put them into a nurture track that’s specific to each theme. So if somebody is researching cloud and SaaS applications, we make sure they get content from us about that same specific topic.

Without Priority Engine, our nurture would be less targeted because we wouldn’t be able to get more granular into what people are actually researching and what their actual intent is. Priority Engine gives us an additional layer of detail that really makes our nurture efforts significantly more valuable.

How has Inbound Converter allowed you to enable your sales team to be more successful?

We always want to make sure that our sales teams are as informed as possible about what people are doing so they can speak to them with a relevant message. Using Priority Engine’s Inbound Converter, we know that if someone has visited our site and also read our content, then we can follow up in a targeted way, which we find to be more successful.

What are the major Marketing KPIs you track and how has Priority Engine impacted these indicators of success? What are your results since implementing Priority Engine?

The leading indicators of success for us are MQLs, SALs, SQLs, the conversion rate in-between them, and all the way up to how is marketing actually originating and influencing new deals. We look at it throughout the entire lifecycle of a deal because we don’t necessarily want to wait to look at this until we have a booked opportunity. In the first four months since we launched this new strategy with Priority Engine, we saw a 50% increase in MQLs month-over-month, every month. And on an ongoing basis, Priority Engine has been a really great source of new leads for us.

What is the main value of using Priority Engine alongside Lead Generation and Brand Advertising programs run by TechTarget?

The nice thing is that it all works together. Using an integrated program with TechTarget, we can make sure that we can understand an individual person or an individual account’s experience from start to finish.

A big thank you to Amanda for sharing your experience with us. We look forward to hearing more about AppNeta’s successes with TechTarget in the future!

If you’re interested in sharing your TechTarget story with us, feel free to reach out to Sarah Geissler today.