
3 Strategies for Improving Sales Adoption, Leveraging Data and Streamlining Management with TechTarget Priority Engine

priority engine user group roundtableThis past November, sales and marketing professionals within the Priority Engine community gathered at the Silver Peak offices in Santa Clara for a Priority Engine User Group Roundtable. Among the topics discussed, customers shared strategies for leveraging intent and specifically, new capabilities from the Company’s latest Priority Engine releases in November. Here are three of the major takeaways from the session:

#1 – Sales Adoption Increases with Hands-on Training

Getting sales to adopt a new approach, practice, or solution is challenging for every company – including TechTarget. The way to overcome this challenge is by providing sales professionals with the proper training right from the start. Training new BDRs on your sales tools as soon as they join your team helps them get comfortable with them and understand how to use them to their advantage so they’ll be eager to incorporate it into their workflows.

For example, Priority Engine’s introduction of LinkedIn Profile Matching has helped stir new excitement among Priority Engine sales users as an efficient way for BDRs to conduct prospect-level research. Teaching BDRs early on how this feature saves them time encourages them to engage with Priority Engine, where they can find direct links to LinkedIn user handles.

Another strategy for increasing sales adoption is expressly demonstrating the value of the data they will get and how it will impact their goals and outcomes. Sales professionals are perpetually, and understandably, skeptical of data quality. Contacts within the Priority Engine platform come from actual observed research activity and are not just cold contacts that are a part of a call-down list- educating new sales members on this critical differentiator can incentivize them to prioritize them for outreach..

In a perfect world, marketers and enablement teams would be able to provide each and every rep one-on-one training to help them get the most out of their resources, but the time it requires is a barrier to entry. This is where sales and marketing teams must rely on their partners to help them maximize their investment in platforms like Priority Engine. TechTarget’s Customer Success services can assist in your training strategy. With an expansive Customer Success Team and extensive online resources and Sales Coach Training Videos, we can provide your team with in-depth training and support without expending your time.

# 2 – Effectively Combine Your Data Sources to Progress Opportunities

In addition to utilizing the purchase intent insights that Priority Engine provides to power your own marketing and sales motions, many of our customers also combine this information with other activity an account takes with them within our network or within their own first party environments such as banner clicks, content downloads, website visits, or other signals. Layering relevant insights allows you to further segment and arm sales with a more qualified contact.

One way to better combine data sources is via the new Salesforce Account List View Syncing – something many Priority Engine customers are leveraging for successful outcomes. With Salesforce Account List View Syncing, sales users can access accounts from their Salesforce Views ranked by activity in Priority Engine. Incorporating this new feature into your existing workflow also gives you more opportunities to advance your sales targeting when working with dynamic Account Views in Salesforce, such as MQLs, Current Opportunity Lists, and Webinar and Tradeshow Attendees.

#3 – Define Territories in Priority Engine to Boost Sales Productivity and Streamline Rep Management

Successful Priority Engine Users are always looking for ways to further improve or streamline their management practices. Defining territories in Priority Engine is one significant strategy many customers are now taking advantage of. With the new ability to define territories in Priority Engine, managers spend less time creating and editing Account Lists for each member of the team. One Priority Engine user was able to scale down from managing over 500 Account Lists, which included one for every sales rep in the organization, to now managing only a few Account Lists. This strategy not only improves management workflow, but it also helps boost sales productivity by focusing sales reps’ efforts on the accounts that matter to them.

We hope these best practices will help you enhance your own practices and incorporate new Priority Engine platform capabilities into your current workflow. Please reach out with any questions or to learn more.

Want to be a part of the conversation? Join us at the next Priority Engine User Group Roundtable to hear first-hand from your Priority Engine peers and fellow sales, marketing and data professionals.