3 Ways to Achieve Greater Marketing “Returns” with Real Purchase Intent

marketing returns

What B2B Marketers Can Learn From the Best Returners in Tennis After a couple of careful bounces of the ball and a moment of hushed tension, the tennis serve initiates […]

Serving Up an Ace: How Real Intent Gives Sales a Decisive Advantage

real intent data

The US Open is here. While I enjoy the unfolding drama of long rallies, unforced errors, and incredible winners, sometimes I like to see the pure power of the ultimate […]

5 Key Use Cases for Purchase Intent: Learnings from TechTarget’s Austin Priority Engine User Group

Priority Engine User Group Austin

This week I was in Austin TX, hosting another roundtable for users of Priority Engine, TechTarget’s SaaS-based purchase intent insight platform. This event was graciously hosted by our friends at […]

5 Ways to Get More Value from Your Purchase Intent Tool


This week, TechTarget hosted a virtual Priority Engine user group. In this event, more than 20 customers discussed how they are using Priority Engine, TechTarget’s SaaS-based purchase intent insight platform. […]

Finding Innovators and Empowering Sales—Insights from TechTarget’s Boston Priority Engine User Group

Priority Engine User Group Boston

Priority Engine continues to pave the way in changing how marketing and sales organizations approach their day-to-day. Hosting a forum for users to share both their successes and challenges in […]

How to Make the Grab Like a Goalkeeper—The Predictive Value-Add of Real Behavioral Intent

observed intent

Since most penalty kicks (75%) in soccer are converted, all the pressure is on the kicker to score. And for the best goalkeepers, it’s a moment to gain real competitive […]

Thinking Fast and Slow: The Psychology that Fuels B2B Digital Advertising

b2b digital advertising

We’re not as rational as we think we are. B2C marketers have long understood this—desire sells, whereas a list of product features doesn’t. And the fact is that despite all […]

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