
The 10 Biggest B2B Technology Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

10 biggest technology marketing mistakes to avoidThere is no shortage of advice and best practices out there on how marketing and sales teams can address their challenges, including in the pages of this very blog. Some of this advice is based on research, some of it based on fact, and some of it based on opinion. If you’re lucky, you will sometimes get advice based on experience.

There is a famous saying: “Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won’t have time to make them all yourself.” In more than 15 years of business running over 30,000 marketing programs for technology clients, we have seen many successes, but we have also seen our fair share of failures as well. Based on these experiences, we have pulled together a concise list of what the top 10 mistakes in B2B technology marketing are and how marketing and sales teams can avoid them to build successful marketing strategies and programs, including:

  • Don’t make it easy for technology buyers to ignore your content
  • Don’t just focus on the bottom of the funnel
  • Don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to global demand generation
  • And more

To understand how your organization can avoid some of the most common pitfalls when you plan your next marketing campaign, download The 10 Biggest B2B Technology Marketing Mistakes to Avoid.